Please help us to keep Quarry Lake Park clean by ensuring all litter is disposed of into the pedestrian waste containers located around the lake.
Quarry Lake Park - Wildlife Awareness
Quarry Lake Park's natural area is partly habitat for wildlife that share our space.
Please be aware and be cautious at all times. Expect the presence of wildlife, small and large. Canmore is a 'Wildsmart' community and you should know what to expect and how to report sightings and incidents of predatory animals.
Never attempt to feed any wildlife or get too close to them. They will most likely leave you alone if you do likewise.
Check for weekly bear activity and other helpful information at Wildsmart.
Report any Bear or Cougar sightings to:
- Fish & Wildlife 403-678-5508
- Kananaskis Dispatch 403-591-7755
- Dial 911
Town of Canmore Bylaw Services
- 403-678-4244